Life Flight

Each week 28 people need time-critical aeromedical care. With your support, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and Air Ambulance Planes are there in their moment of need.

Meet Taylor from Nelson

Meet Taylor

Nelson couple Alex and Ben were so excited to be parents for the first time; decorating, painting, and preparing for baby Taylor’s arrival into this world. However, five weeks before she was due, Alex went into early labour.

Alex was able to hold off the delivery for another six days on advice of the doctors. When they couldn’t wait any longer, and the medical team were ready, baby Taylor was born in just 90 minutes.

“Because she was born so quickly, she was taken away to be monitored, which meant I wasn’t able to hold her”.

Once they were finally able to be with their precious newborn, Alex and Ben were adoring being by her bedside when suddenly the unthinkable happened. Both of baby Taylor’s lungs collapsed – a condition called bilateral pneumothorax.

Suddenly, everything became a blur. Needles were placed in Taylor’s tiny chest to stabilise her, but the doctors knew that Nelson Hospital wasn’t enough; she would need to cross the Cook Strait to get to Wellington Hospital immediately.

Taylor was placed on a ventilator and carefully flown over to Wellington Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Life Flight’s Air Ambulance Plane.

The crew was truly amazing. They were so caring and understanding, truly professional and personal.

Two days later, Taylor began to breathe by herself and was able to come off the ventilator, much to the relief of her eagerly awaiting yet exhausted parents. Now out of hospital and back in Nelson, Baby Taylor has just experienced her first Christmas with her family as a bubbly nine-month-old.

“The love we have for her; words just can’t describe it. I couldn’t imagine life without her”.

Alex wanted to share her gratitude to the crew and supporters:

Donations ensure this amazing service is here, without it, Taylor wouldn’t be alive. Thank you to everyone – you are saving lives and we are so grateful.

Photos by: Sophie Milson Photography

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