Life Flight

Each week 28 people need time-critical aeromedical care. With your support, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and Air Ambulance Planes are there in their moment of need.

Meet Fergus from Paraparaumu

Meet Adrian

Paraparaumu parents, Falyn and Peter, were excitedly awaiting their first children, twins Fergus and Finley, but only 12 weeks into the pregnancy it was clear Fergus would have to fight for his life. Fergus’ heart wasn’t forming correctly, a condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Once he was born, Fergus would have to survive challenging circulation and oxygen problems.

Falyn gave birth to the boys at Starship Hospital and at only five days old, Fergus had his first open-heart surgery.  It marked the start of a medical journey for the family, little did they know, they would spend less than 30 days at home over the next five months. 

Once Fergus and Finley were one month old, the family was cleared to move to Wellington Hospital, and Life Flight was there to take them one step closer to home. 

When Life Flight arrived, they came all the way to our room at Starship, helped gather up our stuff, and looked after us really well for the whole journey. It was one less thing to worry about. From having to organise a flight back ourselves commercially after some of his procedures, the forms that have to be filled out and to have oxygen available to him and my God, doing all of that at the last minute! I can appreciate very much how slick the operation is. You just don’t have to worry.

It wasn’t long before the family would need Life Flight again. At about 3 months old, Fergus needed a CT scan at Starship Hospital, if the doctors’ concerns were correct, a catastrophic threat was looming over Fergus. 

“It was such an intense time. The exhaustion of being first time parents to newborn twins. We had no idea what we were doing, and we were trying to learn it all while having all this other stuff going on in the background.

Life Flight got the call and headed over to Wellington Hospital to pick them up. It was an anxious time for Falyn and Peter, but they warmly remember a life Flight crewperson sitting down with them to reassure them, answering all their questions, and calming their nerves. 
Fortunately, when they arrived at Starship, they learned Fergus’ condition wasn’t critical, but the care didn’t end there. By age three, Fergus had gone through three open heart surgeries. Fergus has come a long way. He and his brother Finley are now six years old, and are proud big brothers of their two-year-old sister, Quinn.  Thanks to your support, he’s living the life of a bubbly and fun-loving boy. 

Falyn had a final message for the supporters who make these flights possible,  

Nobody expects to need a service like Life Flight, but when you’re in a situation like ours, knowing there’s an option available all because people have donated… It’s the best feeling. Thank you.

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